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The Consciousness Album - Full Album

Master Waleed Hashim

Full Courses

Price 65.00 BHD
Year 2020
Language Arabic

The Consciousness Album is an album containing very advanced energy & spiritual science teachings tied into the seven main chakras of our energy system. The album contains the full track listing:

1. Album Intro

2. Root Chakra: Need and the Consciousness of Belonging

3. Sacral Chakra: Shame and the Consciousness of Opportunity

4. Navel Chakra: Perfection and the Consciousness of Power

5. Heart Chakra: Loneliness and the Consciousness of Love

6. Throat Chakra: Communication and the Consciousness of Identity

7. Third Eye Chakra: Insight and the Consciousness of Divine Compensation

8. Crown Chakra: Soulmates and the Consciousness of Actualisation

9. Bonus Crown Chakra: Intention Setting 2019 - Part 1

10. Bonus Crown Chakra: Intention Setting 2019 - Part 2

11. Bonus Sacral Chakra: Intention Setting 2016

12. The Special Relationship

13. The Holy Relationship

14. Album Outro


Need and the Consciousness of Belonging
In this brand new session, we discuss for the first time a feeling that binds most spiritual seekers and that is a feeling of not belonging to either one's family, country, gender, religion, language, social class, etc... This feeling of not belonging which usually starts with us in childhood affects the grounding of our root chakra and inflames the level of need within it in an attempt to compensate. When our needs such as safety, food, sleep, love and connection become harder to meet due to this increase, many of us spiritual seekers end up with what's called an inverted triangle energy with open and strong upper chakras and smaller lower ones. This session works to heal the root chakra at the levels of need and belonging thus affecting other levels such as wealth, property and manifestation enabling us to reach all our blessings with touch as well as feeling. 


Shame and the Consciousness of Opportunity
In this brand new session, we discuss shame for the first time & its effects on the sacral chakra. The sacral chakra is the chakra responsible for new beginnings and grand opportunities in all areas of life. It also has a great effect along with the root chakra on the manifestation of our dreams and desires. Shame is the act of believing that rather than doing wrong, we simple are wrong. The session discusses ways to release this block to creativity and helps pave the way to the realisation of our dreams.



Perfection and the Consciousness of Power
In this brand new session, we discuss for the first time in depth the effects of our constant striving for perfection upon the navel/solar plexus chakra. In order to maintain any blessing we attract into our life we must draw on our energies of confidence, self-worth, personal power & stability. However, the constant seeking of perfection whether physical, emotional, monetary or even seeking the idea of the perfect soulmate, is all a reflection of our internal belief in lack. This constant search for perfection in our lives activates our feeling of lack constantly and leads to our manifestations of loss of magnificent opportunities for beauty and growth that come with accepting life and people as they are. Through the study of the navel chakra and its levels of power, stability, authenticity & the element of fire the third chakra is responsible for, we unveil the perfection of our souls and move & flow more easily in this beautifully imperfect existence with the consciousness that supports the magnificent miracle of creation we are.



Loneliness and the Consciousness of Love

In this brand new session, we discuss for the the first time loneliness as many of us are currently experiencing it in one form or another. You either are spending much time alone or doing many activities on your own. Perhaps there is a cap on seeing your family, friends or lovers. In energy teachings everything that happens without is a mere reflection of what is going out within. In this session we discuss the roots causes of loneliness and the reasons for our belief in separation. We discuss ways of healing this inner separation in order to realise outer union. 



Communication and the Consciousness of Identity
In this brand new session, we discuss for the first time in depth the throat chakra, the fifth element of ether and the levels of identity & communication. In order to receive any blessing in its highest vibration we must be an energetic match to it. That is, we must be ourselves completely with a clear identity. For example, our soulmate won't be able to recognize us and even the soulmates in our lives will start seeing us as strangers eventually if we are not fully ourselves with an open throat chakra. The issue here is with the level of communication that others use constantly to pull in directions away from our authentic selves, from truth and from activating the element of ether in our bodies. 



Insight and the Consciousness of Divine Compensation
In this brand new session, we discuss for the first time the levels of insight and sixth sense in the third eye chakra that activate the law of divine compensation and its miracles in our lives. The law of divine compensation states that whatever loss we have experienced in our lives, be it emotional, financial, spiritual or even loss of opportunity, is compensated instantaneously by the universe. What determines whether or not we can access this divine compensation is our ability to see the loss with the eyes of truth, light and the divine. This session gives us several techniques and exercises that enable us to keep our third eye charka active and in shape to better see the blessings that are coming to us from God's divine compensation for any loss we experienced in the past.


Soulmates and the Consciousness of Actualisation
In this brand new session, we discuss soulmates and twin flames for the first time & their effects on our spiritual, emotional, mental and material development this liftime. Soulmate relationships have a profound impact on our spiritual development and whether we spiritually develop has a profound impact on how we accept and experience soulmate relationships in our lives. The session explains why certain people feel like the twins and mates of our souls and how to better use such relationships in our development. Consciousness is true answer to any soulmate question, and this session explains it with regards to development in energy teachings. 

Audio Download/Streaming Instructions

Once you purchase the Audio Product it will be available in your Playlist. Your personal Playlist can be found when you log in and click My Account => Dashboard => Playlist. From there you can either Download your purchased product or Stream it in your browser. (Please note that there may be one or more files under a product.)

File Name
  • 01 The Consciousness Album Intro.mp3 ( 1.86 MB )
  • 02 Root Chakra_ Need and the Consciousness of Belonging.mp3 ( 110.88 MB )
  • 03 Sacral Chakra_ Shame and the Consciousness of Opportunity.mp3 ( 126.57 MB )
  • 04 Navel Chakra_ Perfection and the Consciousness of Power.mp3 ( 112.78 MB )
  • 05 Heart Chakra_ Loneliness and the Consciousness of Love.mp3 ( 116.87 MB )
  • 06 Throat Chakra_ Communication and the Consciousness of Identity.mp3 ( 120.63 MB )
  • 07 Third Eye Chakra_ Insight and the Consciousness of Divine Compensation.mp3 ( 110.42 MB )
  • 08 Crown Chakra_ Soulmates and the Consciousness of Actualisation.mp3 ( 114.84 MB )
  • 09 Bonus Crown Chakra_ Intention Setting 2019 - Part 1.mp3 ( 102.00 MB )
  • 10 Bonus Crown Chakra_ Intention Setting 2019 - Part 2.mp3 ( 81.35 MB )
  • 11 Bonus Sacral Chakra_ Intention Setting 2016.mp3 ( 108.92 MB )
  • 12 The Special Relationship.mp3 ( 104.21 MB )
  • 13 The Holy Relationship.mp3 ( 108.73 MB )
  • 14 The Consciousness Album Outro.mp3 ( 595.77 KB )
Package File size
1.29 GB